Agora »State of Play« delavnica s ključnimi deležniki

21.6.2021 je v prostorih Mestne občine Kranj potekala »State of Play« delavnica, ki je del drugega delovnega paketa projekta Agore. Udeležili so se je predstavniki skoraj vseh vabljenih deležnikov s področja urejanja odprtih javnih površin.


Na delavnici je bil deležnikom s strani  predstavnice Agora projektne skupine, Barbare Mušič iz Urbanističnega inštituta Slovenije, predstavljen projekt Agora, delovni paketi v okviru procesa Agora in nekateri primeri uspešne urbane prenove v mestih po svetu. Sledila je predstavitev rezultata prvega delovnega paketa, dokumenta Operativne analize mesta Kranj s strani članice projektne skupine Kranj, Suzane Jamšek, po posameznih poglavjih. Deležniki so bili seznanjeni s pomenom memoranduma o sodelovanju in pozvani k podpisu, povabljeni so bili tudi k prijavi na novice o projektu Agora.


Po predstavitvi je z udeleženci delavnice sledila zanimiva razprava o predmetni temi, kjer so bile izpostavljene nekatere ključne točke in ugotovitve, pomembne za nadaljnji proces projekta Agora.


State of Play workshop in the city of Kranj 

The State of Play workshop took place on 21 June 2021 between 12:00 and 14:00 in the premises of the Municipality of Kranj. It was attended by representatives of almost all stakeholders. The purpose of the workshop was to present the Agora project and the result of the first work package, ie the document of the Operational Analysis of the City of Kranj. 


The representative of the AGORA project group, Mrs. Barbara Mušič from the Urban Planning Institute of the Republic of Slovenia presented the Agora project, work packages within the Agora process, and successful examples of urban renewal in Europe. This was followed by a presentation of the document Operational Analysis by Chapters, by a member of the Agora team Kranj, Mrs. Suzana Jamšek. After presentations, stakeholders were introduced to the importance of the memorandum of cooperation. They were also invited to register and subscribe to the Agora project news. 


The workshop ended with the interesting discussion on the presented topic where some key points and findings relevant to the further process were highlighted.